New York Libertarian Party Criticizes Legislature for Stalling Ballot Access Bill But Rushing Through Withdrawal Bill

The New York Libertarian Party has issued this press release, pointing out the difference between the legislature’s inaction on the ballot access bills, compared with the extremely fast action on the bill to allow candidates to withdraw if they have been indicted.


New York Libertarian Party Criticizes Legislature for Stalling Ballot Access Bill But Rushing Through Withdrawal Bill — 10 Comments

  1. They do make a good point. When its comes time for easier ballot access they move like a turtle. When it comes time to get people off the ballot they move quick as lightning. A wrong shift of priorities.

  2. ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander regimes in ALL 50 States.

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged g areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL.

    Super-worse extremist primary math.
    NO primaries.

    EQUAL ballot access – 1 voter nom pet forms


  3. “1 voter nom pet forms”

    That doesn’t work, you idiot. If it did, people would already be doing it. This has been explained to you many times. You are a total moron.

  4. “New Hampshah has 1 voter nomination petitions.”

    Yes, and it makes it harder on circulators, proponents, and election clerks, unnecessarily. But at least they allow circulators, unlike azwipe’s cockamamie scheme.

  5. “How many one person sig forms — aka checks ???”

    If proponents could just write a check instead of gathering signatures, that would be OK. If and when petitions are required, there is a reason they are done the way they are. Various people have tried to do them differently and failed. It’s not because proponents enjoy dealing with or spending money on petitioners and petition companies.

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