Chase Oliver Declares for the Libertarian Party Presidential Nomination

On December 2, Chase Oliver declared his candidacy for the 2024 presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party. He was also the Libertarian nominee for U.S. Senate last month. He debated his Democratic opponent, Senator Raphael Warnock, during that campaign. The Republican nominee, Herschel Walker, declined to appear. See this press release from Oliver.

Here is a Georgia news story.


Chase Oliver Declares for the Libertarian Party Presidential Nomination — 16 Comments

  1. This guy is a leftist loser. Everyone already knows the nomination will go to Dave Smith, who is an actual libertarian unlike Bug Chase Oliver and a much better candidate.

  2. I’m just a fan. I seriously think he should run for President though. I think if there’s ever been a time for someone who makes a career in automobile repair to run for President it’s now. Vehicle technology is changing really quickly. As is all technology. But cars have a unique place in our lives. I don’t think the guy has an interest in running for public office. And I’m not sure that I would call whatever political philosophy he has as “libertarian”. But I believe that if a “Draft Scotty” movement would organize and with an interest in securing a Presidential nomination for him, even a movement without his blessing, it would be good for whatever party those activists happen to be involved in.

  3. Mr. Oliver did well in the Georgia Senate election and is articulate. It should be an interesting campaign for the Libertarian Party Presidential nomination.

  4. Chase Oliver is a communist. I never heard of Scotty Kilner. Even his (probably only) fan admits he is not even a libertarian. The Libertarian Presidential candidate should be someone everyone has heard of, like the big time celebrity Dave Smith, who is an actual libertarian in the mold of Tom Woods, Jeff Deist, Jeremy Kauffman, Hans Hoppe, and Gary North. Someone who understands that blood and soil and God and nation are what’s important and that sinners should be stoned to death in the town square, and that women belong in the kitchen, not in the voting booth.

  5. It should be noted here that it is widely acknowledged that the 2024 LP Presidential nomination belongs to the universally known and loved and very funny comic Dave Smith. Libertarians believe it is wrong to try to take something which belongs to someone else, so people who try to take the nomination from Dave Smith should be physically removed, so to speak.

  6. Chase Oliver spends too much time defending the participation of his party in the political process. He shouldn’t dignify those questions with a response.

  7. Same olde 2 pct for any 2024 LP Prez candidate ???

    How many under 50 pct commie/fascist winners due to LP candidates since 1970 ???

  8. Does anyone know how many contested primaries there might be in 2024?

  9. I’m sure the Mises Caucus (which is in reality just the late-life Rothbard caucus) would love to nominate Trump, but Trump has to say some nasty things about the Federal Reserve, first. Or maybe threaten Powell, a bit. If Trump rehashed his old hits about someone roughing up Powell and telling them not to worry because he would pay their legal bills and give them a pardon, that would work. Or if Trump says that some 2nd Amendment people should stop Powell, that would guarantee him the nomination.

  10. Hi Phil, I didn’t say that I supported Chase Oliver for the nomination. I just described him and stated my thoughts on how the campaign for the nomination will go. Who do you support?

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