Maine Bill to Ease Definition of Political Party Postponed Until Next Year

On March 30, the Maine Joint Veterans & Legal Affairs Committee postponed LD 769 until next year. It changes the definition of a qualified party. Current law says it is a group that has 5,000 registered members, but after four years on the ballot, it must have 10,000. The bill would have deleted the reference to 10,000.

Current law is nonsensical. If a group goes off the ballot because it has fewer than 10,000 registered members, the state must let it keep its registered members, per a court decision last year. And a newly-disqualified party could immediately re-qualify as a new party with its 5,000 registrants.


Maine Bill to Ease Definition of Political Party Postponed Until Next Year — 24 Comments

  1. I agree, the current law is nonsensical. Aside from that being a generally true statement due to the extremely, absurdly, Kafkaesquely bizarre Byzantine complexity of today’s laws, in this particular case : voting (not ballot – there should be no ballots, voters should stand up and be counted by party, parties to appoint peace officers, etc): access very simply determined by a party having a precinct captain in the year between elections flying the party’s banner and marshaling his party’s forces for the following annual election, and personally leading the charge by being himself physically present in the election hall on election night. Accept no substitutions. No precinct captain? Precinct captain couldn’t make it that night for whatever reason? Better luck next year, loser party!!!!

  2. Would the precinct captain have to be there, or would he be allowed to designate a replacement prior to election if he can’t make it?

  3. Learning to read, and demonstrating proficiency in reading, would be one of the requirements of being a voter or peace officer.

  4. I would assume English only? No Spanish or Arabic or anything else?

    Your posts are interesting

  5. Of course English only in English speaking nations. Spanish and Arabic in their own nations, Russian in ours, and so forth. Thank you for the compliment.I hope it is not sarcasm. I would like to find intelligent dialogue here. Tell me what you think the good and bad points are, and your own thoughts perhaps?

  6. I am considering my plan further at this time. Clearly, immigration, trade, and travel, external workers, and things of this nature should be controlled, both between precincts and between nations. The military can control access to and from the military national defense zone. Peace officers can regulate movement, trade and travel between precincts. Violators can be whipped, enslaved, executed etc depending on the severity of the offense. For some of them judicially ordered rape would be the most appropriate penalty. Some can be pelted by rotten vegetables, bricks, or whatever people choose to throw to them or do to them while they are in stocks. Stocks meaning stockade here.

    Anyway, where was I? Let’s see. Oh yeah. My 100% straight macho flesh fantasy about judicially ordered rape and other such distractions aside, I am thinking about an executioner order here. Oh yes now I remember. We were talking about control of people and goods crossing national as well as precinct borders.

    I am a conservative reactionary dark enlightenment adherent, not a left wing fascist or leftlibertardtarian or any other kind of leftist. I support minimum bureaucracy and a much smaller and less intrusive government. But I do very strongly believe in immigration controls, travel controls, protectionist trade barriers, and a real war on drugs,including summary execution of all drug dealers, drug users, and drug defenders.

    Anyway, this is a good thing, is it not? The military can exert very stringent control at the national level. Peace officers and volunteers doing neighborhood watch and homeowners association types could control things less stridently, but still very firmly, when it comes to trade, travel, crossing lines for work or shopping, but especially relocation type movement between precincts or red line housing, shopping, and employment lines within precincts. These activities can be financed by heavy taxes for travel, trade, etc between nations, enforced by and helping to finance the military; less severe between precincts, enforced by peace officers, with milder levies to support paying peace officers; perhaps some leeway for neighborhood watch – HOA to informally shake down those who travel and trade between neighborhoods,without being executed for what are essentially friendly neighborhood protection activities rather than robbery or intimidating of losers who can’t just stay in their own neighborhood where they belong all the time?

    I believe natural evolution (not evilution, I believe in creation science) but natural evolution of customs and law would lead to the heaviest taxes being laid on relocation, and most heavily at the highest (national) level. So, it might cost several million of the equivalent of your modern dollars in terms of purchase power to immigrate legally to another country, or you may be spanked by a neighborhood watch volunteer for not being able to prove that your temporary presence in their neighborhood is not ill intentioned, and various degrees in between along the lines I laid out above. Peace officers resolve differences over application.

    So far I think this is a good addition to the plan. Anyone have further thoughts for, against, or to further refine this part of the proposal? Let us pray that Jesus guides our hand in this endeavor. And of course Father God and the Holy Spirit, and for us Orthodox Christians, our iconic saints.

  7. Edward Brown is the one making impersonator posts, including of his much better, Maester President Donald John Trump Senior, first of His name,Lord of all Lords, Boss of all Bosses, Head of all Commissions, Head Cracker In Charge, The Man, Mister Charles, King of All Kings, King of the Joooos, Yeshua the Almighty, Lord and Savior, hallowed be His name, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, forever and ever, Amen!!!!!

  8. 5,000 registered voters is too difficult for a state with as small a population as Maine. Louisiana and Colorado each require 1,000 registered voters, and those two states are far more populous than Maine.

  9. I kinda like the whole one precinct captain who personally shows up to the election hall on election night method. Worth at least considering and thinking through as a preliminary proposal, maybe.

  10. Thanks Lawman Lawrence. That is my actual and now stated purpose here. Troubleshoot and brainstorm away, that’s what proposals get spitballed for, is it not?

  11. 1. Richard, thanks. although I think that North Dakota requires something like 7,000 signatures to formally organize the party and gain ballot access, although not really for legislative races. Good to know what it a more reasonable burden to impose.

    2. How is the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals 8th District (my court of appeals) with regard to ballot access rights?

    3. I have zero interest in impersonating anyone, especially a ‘Know Nothing’ like Donald J Trump or a possible fictional character, like Jesus Christ.

  12. Please ignore Uncle Larry. He’s drunk but still has the presence of mind not to post his real last name here. Knight just means he’s a Klansman. But we are called the invisible empire for a reason! While legally yes, there is freedom of association, the reality is that uncle Larry and the rest of our clan with a c would lose our law enforcement, military officer, and corporate jobs if our membership in the Klan with a k were made public at this point in time. Even those of us in business for ourselves would lose major clients, or enough small clients to really hurt the bottom line. Bubba with the confederate memorabilia store is about the only one who can walk around in his robe with the face up flashing his goofy smile for everyone and their monkey’s uncles. So let’s cool the jets before we start just grasping like idiots that Deputy Sheriff Larry just told you his name is Larry Knight. As if!!! Vanilla Isis baby…too cold to cold. YO VIP, KICK IT 2 EXTREME MF . OUTLAWS FOREVER FOREVER OUTLAWS INLAWS FOREVERMORE FOREVERMORE IN LAW KKK IN LAW LEO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS CHURCH EVERY DAY BIH. FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE STAND UP VANILLA IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT!! WE PUT THE ICE IN POLICE AND THE ANGLOSAXON ICES IN ISIS! INTELLIGENT SAXON INDEPENDENT SHERIFFS YOU DOLT!!!! VANILLA ISIS, WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT???? VIP AND THE POSSE…SHERIFFS POSSE THAT IS…VIP WE ICE ICE BABY…LA MIGRA, PUTA, WE THE CRACKER CARTEL , THE MUDBUG MAFIA,

  13. I think Edward is lying through his teeth about point #3 and Nick is high off his own supply on the wrong kind of ice. Max does make some good points though. His plan may sound crazy at first, but the more I think about it, the less crazy it seems.

  14. This is incorrect. The committee had a divided report where they voted majority Ought to Pass on the bill. It’ll advance to the floor for a vote this month.

  15. I don’t see any way your comment contradicts mine, Will. It looks like it’s actually a non-sequitur unless you can connect the dots somehow maybe???

  16. Do you are an ass being asinine just for the sake of annoying people. I suspected as much, but tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. You, naturally, failed the test.

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