Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Petition is Valid in Utah

The Utah state elections office has determined that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., submitted a valid petition, so he is on the ballot as an independent presidential candidate in that state.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Petition is Valid in Utah — 34 Comments

  1. I heard his volunteer army finished this quickly, in something like two days. I heard it was snowing when they gathered some of the signatures.

  2. Hmm. It use to be that mostly minor party candidates had a difficult time being included on the ballot, but now major party candidates are at war with each other trying to exclude the other. Things have gotten worse. Ain’t DUMBACRACY wonderful?

  3. This is not the first election cycle where some major party candidates did not qualify for some ballots.

  4. No one has tried to take Beijing Joe Biden off ballots, even though he continuously and consistently violates his oath of office by selling out our nation to China, using the Constitution as toilet paper, and is mentally incompetent.

    They’re going after Trump for made up reasons. The real reason, of course, is that he’s not part of the uniparty clique which still comfortably rules the demon rat party, and before Trump ruled the GOP just as comfortably.

    That makes sense, because Trump is ideologically and in terms of policy much closer to those of us who voted libertarian, American Independent, constitution, and Reform over the years, and even ran as Reform himself.

    Trump has spoken to enthusiastic applause at libertarian gatherings and has said libertarianism is great, except it doesn’t win. Much like Reagan said libertarianism is the heart of conservatism. This is true.

    Like Goldwater and Reagan, Trump disrupted and changed the Republican establishment, bending it in our direction .

    And he literally was a third party candidate once, albeit only in the primary.

    He’s been registered and donated, Democrat, Republican, independent, independence and reform.

    So, why should anyone be surprised the establishment evildoers (derp state and fake news) are now treating him like a third party candidate when it comes to ballot access, and worse when it comes to bogus lawsuits, kangaroo banana republic persecution in court, and fake news brainwashing propaganda against him?

  5. Andy is correct. Sometimes major parties do knock off each other’s candidates in the primary. Or opposing candidates and their supporters in the same primary do it to each other. What’s different this time is the sustained national push to disqualify Trump everywhere.

    Neither major nor minor party candidates are usually singled out for THIS level of ballot access hostility. Ralph Nadir probably came the closest in recent times, post 2000 when demon rats blamed him for Algore losing rather than accepting responsibility for nominating such a crappy candidate.

  6. Blood,

    You are correct. Thank you for pointing that out. Now that you mention it, I recall Barak Insane Osama got his start on local politics that way, knocking off a primary opponent’s petitions.

  7. It’s interesting that Republicans blamed Perot for costing Pappy Bush the election (and maybe even Bob Dull, though I’m not recalling instances of the latter), no less than Demon Rats did Nadir for costing Algore a win.

    But, the demon craps are much more vicious about turning that butthurt (Pappy, Dull and Algorenorhythm all lost on their own lack of merit, not due to any spoilers) into ballot access hostility.

    Republicans didn’t go after Perot Redux or Pat Buchanan ballot access nearly as viciously as Demon Turds have subsequent Nadir efforts.

    In general, demon rats are much worse than GOP on ballot access.

  8. Big Daddy – we do, except they call themselves Democrat. Their goals are communist, but their methods and short term agenda are fascist.

    Gen Z – no wonder the demon rats are so evil and vicious in trying to get Trump knocked off the ballot and licked up on trumped up charges in Stalinist show trials!

  9. WMCT

    Yes, and to get another Kennedy assassinated by denying secret service protection which other candidates get.

  10. I thought big daddy was conservative? Why would he vote for fascist demon crap?

  11. It’s true that the Democratic Party has a much worse history of trying to keep independent and minor party presidential candidates off general election ballots, than the Republican Party’s history. Democrats did that, or tried to do that, in 1936, 1940, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1976, 1980, 2004, 2020, and 2024.

    Republicans had never done it until 2008, when they tried and failed to act against Bob Barr (Libertarian nominee) in Pennsylvania.

    I’m hoping Darcy Richardson is going to write a book about this interesting history.

  12. Yes, and I’d add that however bad Republicans are, democrats are worse across the board. And getting worse and worse, faster and faster, while Republicans are getting better, not consistently, but also faster and faster.

    I know democrats like to be called democratic, but they need to earn it – and i say that as someone with only limited and careful, skeptical use for democracy, within limits and balanced with other systems. As it is, the name is an atrocious lie, adding insult to injury.

    A century or two ago, it may have been directionally true, vis a vis Republicans and other preceding major parties of the time before that. Now, using their preferred pronouns is just reinforcing malicious propaganda lies.

    I’m interested in reading Darcy Richardson books, but not sure when I will be able to afford them. The time would be easier to afford if there’s an audio version, but I could sooner or later finish them even in print – however, the money would be an issue. Again not sure when that will change.

    Storage could also become an issue before too long, so I’d have no reason not to return them if someone would lend a copy, but I know you don’t necessarily want to take my word for it.

    To be perfectly fair, I think (but can’t say for sure) there have been other examples of Republicans acting like
    “democrats” (ie, undemocratic, small d like) in regards to ballot access. But, I’ll defer to Mr. Winger on this unless I or someone can recall specific examples.






    1917 LENIN – RUSSIA


  15. No surprise that the latest two letter troll moron posts are full of crap and distortion. If anyone besides AZ wants to know why, just ask.

  16. Wasn’t the Ohio lp challenged off the ballot at one point by Republicans? Maybe about 10 years ago?

  17. Republican neverTrumptards are involved in current anti Trump ballot access efforts. I’m not even counting Castro, who as far as I can tell is only running for this sole purpose. Correct me if I’m wrong, in Colorado infamous aberrant state decision the plaintiffs were Republicans, even though the kangaroos were femocrats

  18. Big Daddy, what issues do you think an American Fascist Party would support and why would you vote for it?

  19. Big Daddy, what issues do you think an American Fascist Party would support and why would you vote for it?

    Answer: safety and security.

  20. Read the title of this website: Ballot Access News. Not how “Bigdaddyluvsu views fascism as a possible better alternative to the pro-Zionist manipulated major parties.” Darn I can imagine the reaction if I really gave my opinions in here like, “The allies should have never released any prisoners from WW2 European concentration camps”. !!!

  21. You’re entitled to your opinions. I was just asking what they were. I wanted to understand better where you are coming from. A lot of people use the same words differently. If you don’t think your ideas are worth explaining and defending, that’s your business, nobody will force them out of you.

    I’m not assuming you’re necessarily wrong . No need for defensive crouch. You’re not the only one here who doesn’t like Jews by any means. Depending on what you think fascism is, different people may agree with you to different extent. If you don’t want to explain what you think it is or why you’re into it, no worries, but then why even bring it up.

    What’s interesting to me about fascism is that a lot of people think it’s right wing, but I’ve looked into it and it sounds very left wing to me, basically like moderate communist. Biden seems very fascist to me, unlike Trump. Some people think it’s the other way around. That was why I was interested in your views as a self identifying fascist or pro fascist.

    If anyone doesn’t like your views, let them not like them. Some people hate mine and some even call them fascist, although I sure don’t see much in common with what I’ve read about fascism and what I believe. I like to explore all kinds of different views and hear the best case people who hold them can make for them and see how they hold up to discussion from different perspectives.

    I’m genuinely interested, if you support the final solution I’d like to hear your case for it or elaborated what else you meant if that’s not what. But only if you want to have opened discussion and it doesn’t sound like you do.

    In which case my only question is why even mention it, but whatever, I don’t want to keep trying to force you to talk about things you’re not comfortable talking about, it sounds like that’s the case here, and my apologies.

  22. Communism and fascism aren’t very different. Both would apply to Biden. Trump is the opposite.



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