New York Bill to Allow Party Nominations that Normally are Made by Convention to be Made by Electronic Meeting

On February 9, the New York Assembly passed A4364. For 2021 only, it allows party meetings that are for the purpose of nominating candidates to be electronic meetings. The party calling such meetings would need to provide 72 hours advance notice to the committee members. The vote in the Assembly was 143-5. There is no companion bill in the State Senate yet.


New York Bill to Allow Party Nominations that Normally are Made by Convention to be Made by Electronic Meeting — 19 Comments

  1. They also have technology to land a rover on Mars but they don’t have the technology to keep the electricity on in sub-zero conditions in TX.

  2. Global warming can cause the type of weather Texas is experiencing. Global warming can weaken the Jet Stream that normally bottles up winter arctic air in the far north of the planet. So then it swoops down far to the south.

  3. A new ice age was thought about in the 1970’s, but an ice age is different from what Texas is experiencing now. An ice age is a big advance by giant glaciers. But worldwide, glaciers are shrinking, as witness the flood in northern India last week, due to water from melting glaciers flooding an area.

  4. The problem in Texas is energy and construction deregulation. Lots of states are having the same or worse weather than Texas including many southern states which rarely have weather this cold. What’s unique about Texas is having its own energy grid, and keeping it exempt from federal policies which prevent and mitigate the problems Texas is having now. It also has lax construction codes which have greatly exacerbated the problems. Right wingers have spread lies about wind turbines being the issue, but that’s nonsense. Many places which are a lot colder than Texas rely much more on wind energy. Most of the Texas power grid relies on fossil fuels, but wind and nonrenewable power generation and transmission facilities alike aren’t adequately weatherized in Texas due to their right wing pro-business legislature. Neither are homes. These same problems happened in Texas in 1989 and 2011 and nothing was done to keep them from happening again.

  5. Apparently they didn’t lube up the wind turbines. My late brother had many cans of lube we just threw away after he died. Who could’ve guessed we should have given it all to TX power company?

  6. Anonymous and Anonymous One

    Is this competition or teamwork?

    The Libertarian Party (LP) Mises Caucus controls 100% of the LP of Los Angeles County (LPLAC) seats including Judicial Committee which uses approval voting.

    I confirmed myself, Anonymous and Anonymous One, are both female Libertarian names who currently serve as LPLAC Chair and Vice Chair.

    They are both prospects for #1, while they are being considered top female prospects in the new Los Angeles City Micro-state, but there is no guarantee that they will respond.

    The top names are the “initial contacts” and the top names are also the first to pick executive titles after April 1st when the votes on rules/guidelines begin but they can do that later too.

    In cases of resignation or death the next highest ranked names will automatically be elected in their stead.

    Our guidelines require contact information which can be published and they both meet those standards.

    Both women also ask to remain “Anonymous” and “Anonymous One”.

    Two other female names nominated for LPLAC Chair are Fatima Rothschild [Republican] and Sarah Rivard [Libertarian].

    Men are running for women’s votes but there’s about a 14 to 2 male to female ratio of names so women are expected to continue winning top seats.

    They’re all four in very good position for taking over and we men don’t object to a female slate.

    We need to do a better job. Voting by signed paper ballot going on now;

    The Mises Caucus might be here to stay at 100% unless a new way, the four-caucus system, wins in Los Angeles County next June and then outsiders might win a seat too.
    * * *

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