
New Hampshire Newspaper Story about Rift in State Libertarian Party — 26 Comments

  1. Libertarian Party is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: LNC Meeting
    Time: Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 850 9014 8132
    Passcode: 223492
    One tap mobile
    +13126266799,,85090148132#,,,,*223492# US (Chicago)
    +16465588656,,85090148132#,,,,*223492# US (New York)

    Roll Call
    Resignation of Chair and filling vacancy
    LNC Meeting scheduled for 9/4-9/5 (no vacancy at GN hotel until Oct)
    LPNH investigation committee
    Vacancies on LNC subcommittees
    Chair’s Advisory Committees
    Public Comment (limited to 30 minutes, 1 minute per speaker)

  2. Not much. They voted to create an investigation committee about NH and populate it later.

  3. Not much. They voted to create an investigation committee about NH and populate it later.

  4. Other events of the past week, mostly on the email list:

    Rogue faction of LPNH capitulated, returned assets to the rightful party (interim chair Pelletier).

    Jarvis suspended as LPNH chair.

    Rogue LNC chair Joe Henchman resigned, along with two rogue regional representatives who aligned with the attempted LPNH coup.

    Attempt to remove whistleblower and LP national Secretary, Caryn Ann Harlos, failed spectacularly.

    Motion to suspend Richard Longstreth, who introduced the motion to suspend Harlos, has been withdrawn.

    Ken Moellman, the vice chair and interim chair of the LNC, has made it clear he does not want to stay on as chair.

  5. Oh yeah, motion to disaffiliate LPNH failed by a huge margin.

    Jeremy Kauffman removed from LPNH social media, for now.

  6. LP USA and ALL *affiliates* —

    FATAL defects in Bylaws-

    elitist conventions
    lack of Separation of Powers
    NOOO conventions
    elections by ALL party members – time as member before being a voter 6 mo-1 yr ???
    equal nom pets
    PR legis
    APPV exec/judic

  7. That the LP offered milquetoast opposition to recent government mandates in an understatement. The party that claims to challenge “the cult of the omnipotent state” did surprisingly very little challenging over the past year or so. Hopefully the change in leadership will result in a more robust party that defends the rights of the individual.

  8. It’s pretty wrong to say that the motion to remove Harlos failed spectacularly. It had strong support. It failed on technicalities. And making accusations without evidence does not make her a whistleblower.

  9. I don’t think LP conventions are elitist. I spent 15 years on a 4 figure income, working part time at or just above minimum wage and attended my state convention, most years. When it wasn’t on my city I hitched rides and crashed with friends. I even made it to two national conventions, one of which was halfway across the country. I piled in a van with a dozen people and slept on people’s floors, and ate free (to me) food in hospitality suites. I know lots of people who did that. There’s so many there is even a term for it, povertarian.

  10. But how much money do you get from the SPLC or ADL or Mossad or whatever other Jewish organization you troll for?

  11. “Twisted Rose” sounds like Paul, but he has been to a lot more than 2 LP National Conventions.

  12. How many factions in the LP ??? –

    attack the *state*

    play in the *state* structure – run candidates

    ignore the *state*

    more ???

  13. Eli – She accused JBH of providing the letter to Jarvis in order to aid her in disaffiliating the LPNH. There has been no evidence to support that claim. She is reading more into a statement from Jarvis than is there.

    From CAH’s interview with Jarvis:

    Jarvis: The 7th of June is Monday, yup. So, we decided to start pursuing this option then.

    Q: Is that the reason that JBH gave you the letter?

    Jarvis: That was one of the reason that I spoke to the, yes.

    Notice that Jarvis answers a slightly different question from what was asked. Jarvis says that the reason she spoke to JBH was to get the letter giving her some legitimacy to form a new group. The question she was asked was different: was that the reason that JBH gave her the letter to giver her some legitimacy to form a new group?

    Jarvis was asked about JBH’s motivations for giving the letter and she answered by giving her motivations for trying to obtain the letter.

    CAH has used that confusion as ‘evidence’ that JBH is corrupt.

    JBH’s statement on the letter: “Ms. Jarvis evidently anticipated a possible fight over control of social media accounts. She asked for, and I gave her, as I have given and would give any state party chair on request, a letter affirming her status as representing the affiliate of the national Libertarian Party: a fact which was not even disputed at the time. These letters can be and are accepted by the FEC, banks, insurance companies, and many others, and I have no authority to refuse to provide a state chair with one. …. Claims that I was some kind of co-conspirator are false. …. The only action I have taken here was indisputably proper and even routine — providing a letter I would provide to any state chair, that I couldn’t not provide, stating a fact that no one disputed on the date I issued it.”

    So, in order to get actual evidence, she needs this investigation to come up with something.

  14. He’s clearly talking out of both sides of his mouth. His subsequent statements and resignation prove his complicity and corruption in this sick scheme.

  15. Thank God the coup failed. Angela McArdle 2022. Dave Smith 2024! And maybe we can get Joshua Smith or Angela McArdle as chair this Sunday!

  16. Apparently Nick Sarwark has also quit the party, or at least has stopped being active. Another victory for liberty!

  17. Sarwark said he is sticking around, and just not donating any more money since he is a life member and does not have to.

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